Thursday, April 25, 2013

You need a workout?... I got ya covered! :)

This post is dedicated to my girl, Misty!
Of course I made a special birthday workout for Misty!  That's me on the left.  Misty on the right!

For those of you who don't know me, I teach Krav Maga Bag Classes at Krav Maga Worldwide... we are talking one hour of hardcore, intense, dripping sweat amazingness.  I will have you punching and kicking heavy bags then doing burpees then lunges, situps, squats... then back to another fight combo on the bag then jump rope, more squats, more situps... the list goes on... oh man and that's just a small sliver of what this class entails!  If you've taken my class, you know this is no joke.

Misty is one of my hardcore veterans!  She always comes in with a great attitude and works so hard!  I absolutely love having her in class!  So today I get this message from her saying how she misses KHo Bag Class so much and that she's bummed because she has this shoulder injury and can't make it in for the next 2 months per her physical therapist!  BUMMER!  Uggghhhh... injuries are the worst!  I know the feeling and being out for 2 months already sounds awful!  I completely sympathize.  (I've had my share of injuries so I know how much this sucks)  I thought the sweetest thing was when she told me that she started looking up pictures of my finishers aka torture boards to find workouts to do.  I forgot to mention that I usually dedicate the last 10 minutes of my class to a crazy finisher!  If you do CrossFit, just imagine a full-on WOD after you've just sweated your ass off for 50 minutes.  Yes, I'm a little insane but in a great way of course! :)  I swear I think I'm going to scare my students away with my ridiculous finishers but nope... they keep coming back and it kinda blows my mind! LOL  Anyways, Misty asked if I could recommend any workouts or circuits for her that don't involve her upper body.  Well of course I'm gonna help this girl out!

Misty inspired me to write this post to help "broken people" (those were her words, not mine) like her so they can get their workout in too.  Here are a few workouts I thought of for her.  You all can do this at home.  These workouts focus more on lower body since she can't use her shoulder.  I'll be happy to write up some upper body workouts if you message me.  :) 

Workout 1: (in less than 15 minutes, you should feel spent!)
3 rounds:
30 sec High Knees
30 sec Running in place kicking butt with heels
30 sec Lunges alternating legs (Jumping if you want more of a challenge)
Rest 1 min then...
3 rounds:
30 sec Jumping Jacks
30 sec Situps
30 sec Squats
Rest 1 min then...
3 rounds:
30 sec Box Step Ups (you can use a bench or chair)
30 sec Bicycles
30 sec Wall Sits

Workout 2: (each 2 min AMRAP should be a sprint... go balls to the wall because you get a minute rest after each one)
2 min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible):
5 Squats w/ Jump
10 Situps
Rest 1 min then...
2 min AMRAP:
5 Lunges (each side)
10 Bicycles (each side)
Rest 1 min then...
2 min AMRAP:
5 V-ups
10 Squats
Rest 1 min then...
2 min AMRAP
5 Lunges with Jump (each side)
10 Accordian Situps

Workout 3: (This one you definitely want to push but pace yourself.  Just keep moving for 8 min.  Do not stop!)
8 min AMRAP
10 Box Jumps or Box Step Ups
10 Situps
15 Squats
15 Bicycles (each side)
20 Lunges

Okay, I hope you enjoy these workouts.  I figured I would post a few of the finishers I've done in class in case you want to do some of these on your own too!  Enjoy, have fun, and sweat baby sweat!!!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Try and fail... but don't fail to try!

 Okay so as you know I'm testing this blog thing out.  I'm trying and that's the most important thing.  I started and I'm damn proud of myself for that!  If you've ever had the desire to try something new... DO IT!  What's the harm?  Life is short!  Do what you want!  Accomplish what you can!  Want something... go get it!  It's not gonna come to you if you don't put effort!  Who cares if you fail?  At least you learn and can move on to other greater things.  Maybe try a new thing and find a new passion you never knew you had!

I know it sounds silly and easy but we all need to be reminded and we all can use that extra push to get started.  Heck, it took me A LOT of pushes to start writing.  And here I am now pushing YOU!

This goes for anything... for me (besides this blog)... I know you guys are so interested in knowing... I'm determined to learn to hold handstand in the middle of the room and to learn handstand walks.  OMG so so so so so scary!  And let me tell you... I suck at it! LOL  I practiced on Saturday and fell A LOT!  But I fall and get up again and keep trying.  I won't get it if I don't try and I know that!  Determined little KHo is getting this damn handstand.  You watch.  Hopefully sooner than later I'll be writing about that and posting a video of me walking on my hands!  LOL It WILL happen! :) 

What are YOU going to try next??? 

Monday, April 22, 2013

My first blog... What am I doing?

So this is my first post on here!  I have been told a few times to start a blog but never got to it... mainly because I didn't know how and also because I was afraid no one would read it.  And here I am finally doing it... and well shit, at least I tried!  You can't get anywhere if you don't give it a shot, right?  So if you're reading this - THANK YOU!  My hopes are to spread my sunshiny positivity to the rest of the world.  I've started with my daily posts on Facebook and Instagram and have had so much great feedback that seriously, I love it!  If I can make someone smile, laugh, feel inspired, be motivated... well then I think I did something great!  Here's a start to something big.  I hope you follow along on my journey because I'd love to give you tips on being healthier, more successful, happier, etc.  KHo loves you!!!  Don't you forget that!