Wednesday, November 13, 2013

10 Things You Can Do to Live a Happier Life

Who knew that being happy was not something that comes natural and is automatic!?  You actually have to learn how to live in such a way.  My curious self (and a psychobio major) started to read up on studies and found some very interesting insight on what happier people do differently.  Not to toot my own horn, but I'm known out of all my friends as the happy go lucky positive ball of energy and crazy enough all of the things on this list that I will be sharing are things that I do and believe will contribute to being a happier YOU!  Yes there are things day to day that get me down, but big picture... I go home and think "I'm so happy!"  I know it sounds corny but I thought I'd share this.  I want to inspire you or someone you know to take on some of these tips for a happier life.
  1. EXPRESS GRATITUDE. - When I wake up in the morning (I'm sooooo tired) but then I go teach my morning fitness class and think, "I'm so thankful for my amazing students!"  I say to my athletes, "Thank you for working so hard!  Thank you for making me enjoy my job!"  I'm thankful for living in beautiful SoCal.  I'm thankful for good music to pump me up.  These are just the things I think within the first couple of hours of getting up.  The day goes on and I seriously think to myself every hour what I'm thankful for!!!  The value of what you have appreciates when you appreciate it.  It's actually really cool!  You basically have a have a greater state of happiness if you appreciate all the things you already have in your life.  It's going to be pretty damn hard to appreciate anything if you're not already happy with what you have.  Being grateful for what is already evident in your life gives you a deeper sense of happiness... all without having to go out and buy anything. 
  2. CREATE OPTIMISM. - I'm always quick to turn any situation into a positive one.  My friends make fun of me sometimes because I don't even realize I'm doing it.  It's actually pretty funny because I can take even a really awful situation and somehow see the bright side to it.  My friend's car got towed and here I am quick to say "At least you get to skateboard... that's fun!"  Someone comes into KMW where I sell memberships and tells me he's unemployed.  Instead of thinking "oh no, he has no money"... I think "Great, he has a ton of free time to train!"  Winners have the ability to create their own optimism.  No matter what the situation is, successful people will always convince themselves that there is a positive side.  They look at failure as a way to learn and grow from it.  Those who think optimistically see the world as a place packed with endless opportunities, especially when times are rough.  Try to see the good to every situation!
  3. AVOID OVER-THINKING AND SOCIAL COMPARISON. - Comparing yourself to others can be toxic!  Instead, if you really feel the urge to compare yourself... then compare yourself to an earlier version of you!  I know a few people (we all know some of these) who always compare and you can just tell they are unhappy!  It's unhealthy and I'll explain why.  If you believe you are "better" than someone, your ego grows... and boooom... the inner Kanye West is out!  You just created an unhealthy sense of superiority!  If you compare yourself and then think you're "worse," you'll start to push aside all the progress you've accomplished and discredit all of your hard work. 
  4. PRACTICE ACTS OF KINDNESS. - I try to do something nice everyday, multiple times a day!  And every time I do, I feel really good about myself.  Reason behind this is that doing acts of kindness actually causes your brain to release a feel good chemical, serotonin.  When you do something for someone else in a selfless manner, it makes you feel good about yourself.  Also, just watching others perform acts of kindness can cause the feel good feeling as well.  I'm sure you've experienced this!  So it's an amazing positive cycle.  You feel good when you do something nice... and others around you feel good too. 
  5. NURTURE SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS.  The happiest people are those who have deep, meaningful relationships.  In my opinion, I'd rather be poor and have my friends with me than rich and lonely.  If it wasn't for my amazing support team, I probably wouldn't be where I am today.  Having a good circle of friends to share your life with is important for happiness.  Interesting fact... People's mortality rates are doubled when they are lonely.  Stay connected and nurture those social relationships.
  6. LEARN TO FORGIVE.  Holding on to feelings of hatred has a negative impact on your well-being.  Your brain cannot tell the difference between past and present emotions.  So if you're always thinking about the hate you have for someone, those negative emotions will eat at your immune system and it will be a never ending cycle of unhappiness.  It's better to forgive and move on.
  7. INCREASE FLOW EXPERIENCES.  Flow is a state where you are completely engaged in what you are doing.  It's as if time is standing still.  You don't feel hungry, sleepy or emotional.  Your focus is turned on and nothing can distract you.  I'm basically in "flow" right now as I write this blog.  I also do this when I'm painting gloves... designing clothes for Rep Life... or teaching my Krav Maga Bag classes. 
  8.  SAVOR LIFE'S JOYS.  Sometimes you need to stop and enjoy what is happening.  Slow down and take it in.  Put your phone away, forget updating your FB status, or posting on Instagram and just enjoy the magic of the moment.  It's very difficult in a world filled with stimuli to embrace life's enjoyable experiences.  Trust me, I know it's hard... I'm social media queen.  However, when I really want to take it in, I truly make effort and it's so rewarding. 
  9. COMMIT TO YOUR GOALS.  Last year I made it my goal to get a muscle up by the end of the year.  I remember it being around Thanksgiving time last year and I still felt like I had so much work to do.  Early December I got my muscle up transition (basically a pull up on the rings to the bottom of a tricep dip), but was still not strong enough to press up from there.  Uggghhh how frustrating!!!  I was so determined, I practiced ring dips everyday until I finally built the strength to do it on an actual muscle up.  A week before the end of the year, I was starting to lose hope.  On Christmas Eve, I actually got my first muscle up... in fact I did 5 that day!  It was one of the most exciting things.  Being wholeheartedly dedicated to doing something comes fully-equipped with an ineffable force.  Magical things start to happen when we commit ourselves to doing whatever it takes to get something done.  When you fully commit yourself, you have no choice but to work on the task at hand.  Counter-intuitively, having no option... where you cannot change your mind... subconsciously makes us humans happier because we know part of our purpose.
  10. TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY.  Taking care of your body is so important for happiness.  When you don't take care of yourself... energy levels run low... physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  When you workout consistently, you not only are in better physical shape, but you feel better and have a higher sense of self-accomplishment.  Mentally, you can focus better... and spiritually, you have higher self worth.  I know that when I workout and eat healthy, I feel GREAT!  When I take a few days off and eat crap, I feel like crap.  I start to get sad and become depressed.  My self worth goes down.  All it takes is for me to get back in my routine and I'm back to sunshiny positive KHo who wants to share happiness with the world... like right now by writing this blog for you guys!
I hope that this list inspires you to try to acknowledge the things you already do that create happiness in life as well as give you insight to things you can do on a regular basis to stay happy!  Happiness is a state of mind that doesn't come easy!  You build your character!  You actually have to work at it but it's all worth it... and to me it takes more energy to be negative than positive anyways... so it's a win win!  

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Listen to your body... take care of it... and it will be good to you!

Wow, it's been a long time since I've blogged!  Exactly 2 months and 3 weeks to be exact!  And in case you don't know what I last blogged about... it was about my horrible car accident and how grateful I was for my amazing support system (you guys) who helped me recover and bounce back!  Thank you again!!!
By the looks of this car, it's amazing I walked away the way I did!
 Well, one reason it's been so long since my last post... I've been boring... I fell out of my routine of inspiring and motivating on the fitness side... mainly because I took a little hiatus from working out.  If you're an athlete and have had an injury, I'm sure you can relate.  Injuries are depressing!!!  Enough said, right?!?!  Last you read from my blog, I walked away from that car accident with just a few cuts, scratches, burns, and abrasions... no big deal.  No broken bones... thank god!  It wasn't until weeks later did I realize my shoulder and neck took quite a big hit.  I had headaches almost every day, multiple times a day for a few weeks.  I couldn't lift my right arm without pain.  Every day tasks like getting dressed were so difficult.  My shoulder would hurt even when I was doing nothing.  I would feel shooting pain down my arm even if I was just sitting.  Don't get me wrong... I'm still grateful that that was the worst of it!
So grateful, everyday!!!
Imagine this girl who works out for a living!  CrossFit everyday... Olympic lifting twice a week... 4 Krav Maga Bag Classes a week!  I'm constantly punching, kicking, squatting, pressing, etc.  This routine went down the drain.  I had no idea how much I loved teaching until I was forced to not do so... I mean I always knew I loved it... but seriously, teaching brings me so much joy and it didn't help my depression when I couldn't feed off the positive energy of my class during this time.  I remember my first class back from the accident.  I couldn't even demo yet... but just being in the room and running the show was so invigorating.  My class was so excited and pumped and just happy for me to be there!  To all my students, you do wonders for me!  I mean that.
Maxing on my split jerk!
Heavy OH Squats
Oly Lifting Class... always a fun time (OMG haven't been to Oly class in 3 months)
Gotta love DB Thrusters!

Okay, back to my injuries... the MRI results showed a partial tear in my biceps tendon and a grade 3 down slope of my AC joint.  The first doctor said my career of doing anything overhead was over.  "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!" was what went through my mind!  I literally cried.  I know, ridiculous, right?!?!  Don't laugh!  This was beyond depressing news for me.  No handstand pushups?!?! No clean and jerks?!?! No thrusters?!?! Aaaahhhhhh I couldn't handle it.  This is something so foreign to me.  You mean I can't lift weights over head??  Say what?!!!  You mean I can't double up my fish oil supplements and solve this problem?

You know me... let's stay positive!  If this is what I have to deal with in order to come out of that accident alive then let it be.  I also had this huge red gash on my neck from the seat belt burn and I remember trying to be okay with it and embracing it (preparing myself for the small chance that it might be permanent).  People will love me for me, regardless if my neck looked weird LOL.  Thank god, it healed up nicely and pretty much goes unnoticed now. 

My nasty seat belt burn.  I looked like I was straight out of a horror movie.
As for my shoulder, this injury was something I was really not used to.  My favorite exercises in CrossFit were anything overhead.... snatches, OH squats, HSPUs.  I always got compliments on my snatch.  Sounds wrong, but it's true!  My shoulders have always been so open and strong to hold weight overhead with little effort.  The arm position for OH squats felt so comfortable for me and when people would say how inflexible their shoulders were and how difficult it was for them to be in that position, I had no idea what they were talking about... until NOW!  First time in my life did I have a shoulder issue.  Uggghhh I hated it but I managed to start working out and modifying to overcome this issue. 

After a few more weeks of inactivity and pain all the time, I decided to get a second opinion.  I chose not to believe that I wasn't going to be able to go overhead for the rest of my life.  This doctor made my day.  She said it might take 6 months but I will be back to normal.  HOORAY!  Most people hearing 6 months would be sad and think "OMG half a year!"  Instead, I was ecstatic and jumping for joy... "YAAAAAY 6 months!  I can live with that!" LOL  The doctor said since I was so fit, it might take me as little as 3 months!  Even better!

So I slowly started to get back into it... I started with 15lb dumbells... then 20s... then just the barbell (35lbs).  My max clean and jerk was 130lbs to give you an idea of what I was lifting before the accident.  So my workouts were so wussy to what I was used to.  There's no point in rushing and getting re-injured!  I had to be smart.  Given my Sports Medicine background, I knew how to take care of this.  I started to enjoy my baby WODs and got back into my routine.  Every workout was scaled but hey it's better than no workout.
Having fun at Reebok CrossFit BCN.

Now for some exciting news!  I believe so much in doing good and good will come back to you.  You're probably reading this and wondering where the hell I'm going with this story.  Keep following, I promise you'll understand why I had such a long lead up to the point of this blog.  Last week I booked a Reebok CrossFit gig.  Super duper exciting and I'm still in awe that I had the opportunity to shoot with REEBOK!  I went to an open casting call last Sunday for Reebok CrossFit.  They were specifically looking for non-bulky girls.  The look they were going for was the everyday CrossFit girl who is small yet super strong for her size!  They wanted toned females with a size small top and size small bottom.  Based on the size alone, I instantly thought... duhhh pick me! LOL  I kid, I kid!  No really... if it wasn't for my amazing friend telling me to go to the audition, I really don't think I would've went.  My friend told me I was perfect for it and I should just try.  The worst that could happen is they say no.  I really have nothing to lose.  I show up and see all these cute girls in sports bras and short shorts doing their thang... uuuhhh... I walked straight out back into my car.  Who am I?  Totally intimidated... thinking "why would they pick me?"  I sat in my car for a good 10 minutes, then convinced myself to go back in.  I already drove all the way there.  I knew my friend would've killed me if I said I drove there and didn't even try.  I now owe him dinner by the way!  So, I go back in and go for it.  They asked me to perform KB swings, thrusters, OH squats, and HSPUs.  Keep in mind I have not done HSPUs in over 2 and a half months!  I'm thinking "oh crap! I wish I could test out to see if I can even still do these" LOL... When I demoed the exercises, everything was flawless.  I felt good, looked good, and felt stronger than ever!  So weird!  Maybe 2 1/2 months rest was all I needed.  Either that or I just willed my mind and body to believe I was okay and that's just what happened.  I felt great!

Later that night, I get a call from the producer saying Reebok chose me and wants me back for 3 days of shooting!!!  I was in shock!  I actually booked it!  I couldn't believe it.  Little did I know, I was actually going to be working out 12 hours a day for 3 days!  I'm talking about 6 WODs a day.  It was insane!  Looking back, I loved every bit of it and wouldn't trade it for the world.  It was an amazing experience that I got to share with so many real, down to earth, cool people.  The friendships and bonds I made in those 3 days are unreal.  CrossFit really breaks down barriers.  I worked out HARD with a few other athletes and because of that, I really feel we got so much closer.

The amazing athletes who did the Reebok shoot with me.  We endured the torture together... then celebrated with burgers and alcohol! LOL
I honestly feel like I worked out more in those 3 days than I did in the last 3 months.  I was lifting more than my body was used to but at the same time it felt good to be back at it.  This shoot took place last week and that was the first week since the accident that I lifted anything over 65lbs.  It was my first week doing chest to bar pullups... it was my first week OH squatting triple digits.  It was my first week going for one rep max snatches.  OMG after the first day, I've never been so sore.  I woke up on Day 2 of the shoot as if a truck had hit my body!  Entire body so sore, my hands ripped, bruises all over... but at the same time I never felt so AMAZING.  It's seriously so unbelievable what the body is capable of.  This just shows that all my training of CrossFit for the past year and a half stayed with me.  Eventhough I took a good 2 1/2 month hiatus from lifting heavy, my strength was still there.  I could've sworn that I was getting weaker but really this proved that I really didn't lose much.  I've always read in training articles that strength is the hardest to gain, yet the hardest to lose and I'm completely understanding this now.  Cardiovascular endurance is the easiest to gain and the easiest to lose.  I'm sure you have all taken a few days off and noticed your cardio drop, but then find it easy to get it back.  I'm sure my Bag students can relate.  Compare your fitness level when you take Bag consistently to when you take 2 weeks off and get back to it.  However, strength is a whole different animal.  I've been slowly building my strength over the last year and a half.  Trying to hit a PR every week was kinda my thing about 6 months ago.  Even if it was a PR by 5 lbs I was happy.  Jumping from a 125# clean and jerk to a 130# clean and jerk was HUUUUUUGE for me!  Those strength gains are enormous and do wonders for the body.  Anyone that lifts for max knows what I'm talking about.  Just one pound can make such a difference.  Imagine lifting for max all the time, then being forced to only lift 50% of that!  It was torture for me.  I felt like I was losing muscle (which I did) but all of the training I put it in did not disappear.  The nervous system (mine and any athlete's) is enhanced with coordination training, structural work, speed drills, and power lifting techniques.  What I'm saying is that all your hard work is going somewhere.  For those of you dealing with an injury, don't rush to go back and risk getting injured again.  If you're scared of losing your skills... don't worry.  It will come back... actually it may never even leave you!  This blog is dedicated to any of you dealing with an injury right now.  You know who you are!  Be smart and come back strong. 

It looks like time was what I needed.  Rest does wonders!!!  A partial tear in my biceps tendon just needed time to heal.  After 2 1/2 months rest... then being pushed to go back at it at full force, I performed as if I never even hurt my shoulder.  I'm not saying this to brag whatsoever.  If you know me, I'm here to inspire and motivate only.  I'd like to think of myself as superwoman or baby wolverine but truth is I'm just like you.  I'm a normal human being... I just have a good head on my shoulders and try to be smart and take care of my body!  Even if you're not injured, don't let your ego get to you.  So many people doing CrossFit let this happen and this is how injuries start.  Please please please be smart.  I'm scaling down for my WODs at the moment and it's okay.  I remember being so embarrassed to have to scale down... but you know what?... I have one body... it's mine... and I love it... and I want to take care of it and keep it happy.  Please remember that!  In the end, it will be good to you.  When it came down to performing for Reebok, my body pulled through!  This goes for anything in life.  Give out positivity and it will come back to you.  If you're a nasty awful human being, you can guess what will be in store for you.  Okay, I think I'm finishing up here.  Moral of the story.  Do good and it will come back.  Whether you're being good to your body or just being good in life.  I did both and it paid off! :)  Anyone dealing with an injury right now, be smart and take this in! :)

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A scary wake up call... followed by so much love! I'm staying strong, everyone!

What a crazy few weeks?  I had just taken one of the best trips of my life.  I flew to Barcelona and spent two weeks exploring a different country, learning about the Spanish culture, practicing a language I learned back in high school, visiting beautiful landmarks, enjoying gorgeous weather, swimming in the blue Mediterranean Sea, soaking up the sun on new beaches, strolling through beautiful parks, hiking up fun trails, eating lots of delicious foods, etc.  It was a refreshing two weeks to get away from my normal routine.  It opened up my eyes to a whole new world that was out there and I loved every minute of it.  I laughed and smiled the entire time!!!

Upon arriving back in the States... the very next day, I was in an awful car accident.  It's crazy how literally I was hit back to reality!  The loudest, harshest, scariest hit too... BOOM!!!!!!!!!... Airbags went off... my car crumpled like an accordian... my life literally could have been taken away in a single second!  Thank god for seatbelts!  If it wasn't for wearing my seatbelt, I would've been dead! Let this be a lesson learned... always buckle up!  And the other lesson I want to share... Don't ever drive sleepy!  I know you've all done this before... you'd be lying if you say you haven't.  It's worse than drinking and driving sometimes!  I will never be so casual about driving tired from now on.  All it takes is one accident to learn this.  And I had the biggest wakeup call!  Literally, I was woken up by the crash!

After waiting in the BCN airport for 5 hours, then a 17 hour flight back from Barcelona (I didn't sleep on the plane), and then going to work the next day for a full shift plus teaching class, I was up for 49 hours (at the time I didn't realize I was up THAT long).  My jet lag was through the roof and I chose to dismiss it.  I'm not tired.  I'm okay.  I can work.  I'll be fine.  I can make it home.  That was me thinking I'm super woman and can do it all.  Sometimes you have to admit when you need to take a break.  I should've taken a nap before hitting the road home after work... but noooooo... I just wanted to get home!  I got off work around 10:30pm and I remember being so tired, yet at the same time really happy.  This meant that if I made it home, I can go to sleep and wake up in the morning at a normal hour... and voila... no more jet lag.

Unfortunately, I didn't even make it home.  I made it one block away from my apartment.  My eyes were so heavy the entire 30 minute car ride.  Nothing worse than sitting in traffic in addition to being sleepy.  The last 10 minutes was smooth sailing yet I was still ready to hit the sack.  I could not keep my eyes open.  I was exhausted.  Not even a minute from home, I must've closed my eyes and completely knocked out.  I know... how scary!!?!... Then just imagine being awoken with the loudest BOOM you have ever heard!!!!  Airbags explode!  Car crashes into what seemed like a brick wall.  Instead of being knocked out... I was knocked conscious!  The crash woke me up!  Who knows how fast I was going?  No skid marks.  I hit a parked big ass service pickup truck.  My Lexus IS 250 took all the damage.  The collision was head on.  The entire front of my car crumpled.  My car was smoking.  I remember being awoken and not even knowing where I was.  I looked up and my apartment was to my left.  Had I literally stayed awake for another minute I would've made it home safe and sound.  This was no baby tap either.  This was a pretty gnarly crash.  The pictures of my car give all of my friends heart attacks.  People look at that car and are amazed I came out in one piece.  I'm seriously blessed and thankful I'm alive and healthy and able to share this story with you.

Now back to the crash... because I know you all want details.  I was awoken... discombobulated... wondering where the fuck I was... scared... panicked... first thing I did was look for my purse and phone. Everything in my car had flown and was somewhere on the floor which was hard to see.  I frantically looked for my stuff as my car was smoking.  I just wanted to get out of there.  I imagined my car about to explode just like in the movies and I wanted to run and dive for cover.  I know that's very unlikely, but hey, you never know.  A guy saw me and asked if I was okay and if I needed him to call 911.  Again, my super woman powers kick in... "I'm okay!"... Boy, was I wrong?  I look at my legs and I see blood.  I go to the sidewalk and the world starts spinning.  I sit down on the curb and I get even dizzier.  I lie down just in case for fear of passing out and hitting my head on the concrete.  I feel my neck burning.  I literally thought my neck and chest were bleeding but had no idea why.  It turns out that the seat belt had done a number on me and burned me pretty bad!  It was red and oozing.  My right hip started to ache.  I thought I must've just bruised myself there... but when the EMTs looked, I had a pretty big laceration which ended up having to be stitched up... again from the seat belt.  Those seat belts do not mess around... they hold you in tight... and that saved my life!  It kept me in my seat but also fucked me up at the same time.  I was put on a stretcher, C-collared, and taken on an ambulance ride to the ER.  I spent my entire Thursday night in the ER awake when my whole original plan was to get home and sleep through the night to get rid of my jet lag.  Funny how right before this I was happy to be tired so I can get home and sleep.  Now how I wish otherwise.

 One of the scariest nights of my life.  I couldn't turn my head.  My neck was so stiff and in so much pain.  My vision was off and I was so scared that it wouldn't go back to normal.  I had to get 7 stitches on my hip.  Seriously though.. big picture... the fact that I managed to walk away with only a few cuts, scratches, stitches, burns, whiplash... and no broken bones or dislocations is AMAZING!  I am so lucky!  Everyone at the hospital kept saying how lucky I was.  People say an angel was watching over me... and I believe it!  I'm blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life and I know that I must've walked away from this accident as well as I did because of all these amazing people wanting me to stay in this world.

 The next day, word got out that I was in an accident.  I must've received about 200 messages from friends and family.  The sweetest words and the most beautiful flowers were sent.  You have no idea how even the smallest gesture like a text can do wonders.  So many people wishing me well and saying how happy they are that I'm okay.  I like to think of all of you guys as little angels as well... helping me recover faster than ever.  The love from you guys keeps me staying strong.  I seriously feel so loved I can't even explain.  This is the time when someone needs it most and you all have been so great!  I was sad, depressed, in pain, feeling miserable... and at the same time I'm getting bombarded with positivity and love.  How I feel now is GREAT despite what I just endured.  I feel loved.  I feel grateful.  I feel strong and healthy and know that I can overcome this no problem.  I am thankful to have amazing friends.  I am lucky to have come out in one piece.  So many sharp pieces in the car, I'm surprised I look the way I do after that.  It could have been so much worse and I'm so thankful that this is the worst of it.

I've received a lot of messages from you guys saying how you're glad I'm okay and that you need my inspiration.  Well I'm not going anywhere.  This blog is for you guys.  I hope to inspire you.  You all know that!  Always, always, always radiate joy and positivity... it does wonders!  It's keeping me healthy and happy and able to write this for you all to read. I can't express enough how loved you  make me feel!  I'm going to bounce back in no time! :)  Thanks for all the love, everyone!

Friday, June 14, 2013

You have a beautiful body!

Yesterday I was shopping at Lululemon and a woman walked in saying "I need help.  I need something to lift, separate, hold me in.  I need help with this ugly body of mine."  The sweet girl working there replied, "You have a beautiful body!!!" and then proceeded to help her find what she needed. 

"YOU HAVE A BEAUTIFUL BODY!!!"  It was so refreshing to hear.  It was sweet.  It was genuine.  It was the truth.  She did have a beautiful body.  It just breaks my heart when I hear women say they are ugly!

I have a few girlfriends who obsess about their weight, about what they eat.  I want to get the message out there that you all are beautiful.  Sometimes, you have to forget about the scale and focus on you as a person!  You're more than just an object.  You have a mind, a personality, and attitude that can take you further than what your physicality can.

A positive body image is key and here are 10 things that I hope will help. :)

1.)  Appreciate everything your body can do.  I can do pushups!  I can do a cartwheel!  I can lift heavy shit!  I can carry all my groceries in one trip!  I can punch hard!  I can kick ass!

2.)  Keep a top 10 list of things you like about yourself - things that aren't related to how much you weigh or what you look like.  I'm smart.  I can cook.  I inspire people.  I know Krav Maga.  I'm an artist.  I can paint.  I have style.  I make people laugh.  I'm a UCLA grad.  I'm a teacher.  I'm a great friend. 

3.)  Remind yourself that "true beauty" is not simply skin deep... Beauty is a state of mind, not a state of your body.

My oh so wise friend, Scotty boy, posted this picture and I had to share his take - "Class" is a word that has become relegated to "old" people it seems. Strength, confidence and sexiness start from behind the eyes and manifest through words and actions. Skin is skin and even an infant can be nude.

4.)  Look at yourself as a whole person... choose not to focus on specific body parts.

5.)  Surround yourself with positive people.  Seriously what gets me through the day are the amazing friends I have.  Stay away from negativity and love the life you live.

6.)  Shut down those voices in your head that tell you your body is not "right" or that you are a "bad" person.  You can choose to believe what you want.  If you believe that you're great, you are great!  You can tell yourself what to do and what to believe each day!  As for me, I tell myself to be awesome every damn day!

7.)  Wear clothes that are comfortable and that make you feel good about your body.  Back to my Lululemon start of this blog.  LOL  Wearing my lulu tights or lulu shorts make me feel super sexy.  Wear it.  Own it.  I'm comfy and look good.  Holla!!!

8.)  Become a critical viewer of social and media messages.  Don't let any of that media bring you down.  Remember that those tiny models probably don't look normal in real life LOL.  Men love curves.  Love your curves. LOL

9.)  Do something nice for yourself -- something that lets your body know you appreciate it.  Today, I got myself a nice full body massage.  Yesterday, I let myself enjoy that Reese's Peanut Butter Cup! :)

10.)  Use the time and energy that you might have spent worrying about food, calories, and your weight to do something to help others.  Right now, I'm writing this blog... in hopes of helping someone out there who might need it.  :)  I hope you enjoy this and pass the message along!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

GORUCK Light - 7 hour and 12 mile adventure with my KMW Crew

Last weekend, I did one of the craziest, funnest, and physically challenging things ever - the GORUCK Light Challenge.  What is GORUCK?  Well, GORUCK started by Special Forces, Jason Mccarthy, first off was a gear company specializing in rucksacks that are supposed to be good for everything... war, open roads, training with bricks, mud, etc.  These rucks can take a beating and they claim that they can hold up to just about anything.  The GORUCK Challenge (an event patterned after Special Forces training) was created to basically prove this... to show how durable and tough these rucks really were.  It was after these challenges that GORUCK became more than a gear brand... the challenges brought out a higher purpose - THE TEAM!  What I love about this is that challenge takers learn how to lead, how to solve problems, how to work better... TOGETHER!  You end up bonding with your teammates more than ever.  You'll be amazed at how far your body can go... past limitations you thought existed... and for the sake of not letting your team down.  It's amazing!

I participated in the Light Challenge... and let me tell just say that LIGHT does not equal EASY.

Taken straight from the website:

"GORUCK Light is an introduction to the team-based training found in Special Operations. It is also much less grueling than our original event, the GORUCK Challenge. Your class will consist of up to 30 participants (aka members of your new GORUCK family). One Cadre, an experienced member of Special Operations, will teach leadership as your class overcomes adversity to become a team. (Team being a very important word. GORUCK Light is a team event, never a race).
GORUCK Light takes place over 4-5 hours, and you will cover roughly 7-10 miles. You will also smile. A lot. We promise.

Those who complete GORUCK Light will earn the GORUCK Light patch, which will never be for sale. Upon completion you are also qualified to participate in GORUCK Scavenger. All other alumni-events require you to pass the GORUCK Challenge, GORUCK Heavy, or GORUCK Selection.
You must be 18 to participate in GORUCK Light."

My bricks wrapped up Krav Maga style!
The regular challenge according to the website is 8-10 hours (more like 12 hours after talking to some of my friends who did it) and each person carries 6 bricks (4 if you're under 150lbs).  For the Light, it's supposed to be less grueling... only 4-5 hours according to the website and each person carries 4 bricks (2 if you're under 150lbs).  My backpack was about 20lbs with my bricks and water bladder.  Most of the guys were carrying about 35lbs.  And guess what... my Light Challenge wasn't 4-5 hours... it was 7 hours!  Underpromise, overdeliver is what I hear they are big on!  Thank god my friends warned me that it might be 7 hours so I was prepared!

 I don't want to give too much away about my crazy day because I highly encourage you try it for yourself and get the experience... but I do want to share some of it with you.

Pre-GORUCK Challenge with my KMW Crew

So we started at 7am at LACMA.  There were 101 people there for the challenge.  16 of which were from Krav Maga Worldwide.  From the beginning we started off with a set of pushups... as a team.  That means if someone messes up, you start back from 0!  You can see how a set of 25 pushups with a team that big can become 100 pushups easily.  LOL  A few people showed up late and right away they were told to bear crawl their way to us.  I could already tell I was in for a treat when I saw that.   We hustled our way to some park where we got down in the dirt right away... more pushups, thrusters, bear crawls, flutter kicks, etc.  I'm sure we did at least an hour and a half of physical torture as a team in the dirt.  From there, we were sent on missions with time caps and if we didn't reach our goal, we were punished.  At each destination, more physical tasks were given.  By the end of the challenge, we covered roughly 12 miles throughout Los Angeles.  All this while carrying bricks the entire time... and sometimes carrying each other.  There was one point when they told us we had 10 casualties and our team had to carry them for what seemed like 2 miles but I'm not sure.  One of the best parts of this adventure was getting into the fountain on Avenue of the Stars in Century City!  I still can't believe we did that.  Yes, we got soaking wet during this.  It's not GORUCK if you don't get wet and dirty.  Throughout this crazy 7 hour adventure, you learn to do everything as a team or you get punished.  I think that's what I loved most about it.  I'm huge on teamwork so this was right up my alley.  I'm so glad I did it and that I got to do it with a ton of friends.  We are now even closer than before.  We are all pretty crazy and I never thought I'd say this but I kinda can't wait to do the 12 hour challenge next.  I really had a lot of fun!

Post-GORUCK Challenge!  After 7 hours and 12 miles!  Dirty and Wet!!!

I survived this adventure and now want more!  Go figure!   I earned a patch at the end.  These patches are never sold too so it's pretty cool to say I have one!  You can only earn them... and I did just that!

Always earned, never sold!

So that was my latest and greatest story of last week.  Don't worry I got more for you.  Now it's your turn to go do something that scares you.  :)  It's healthy!  Overcome something and succeed!!!  I'm cheering for you.