Inspiration for this post:
So the other day, I was in a workout rut... unmotivated... lazy. I know... I know... me??? not movitaved? no way, right?!?!... but yes, even I can get in a slump. I updated my Facebook status and asked my friends to help me out and give me a reason to workout! In case you don't know, I'm usually the one posting motivating workout sayings and pictures each day. Then, within minutes, my facebook wall was filled with inspiring and motivating posts (this time not from me) telling me why I should keep on going! It really touched my heart! I think it's so cool to give (with no expectations)... then receive and feel soooooo loved! Thank you guys! This post is dedicated to you! Here are just 40 reasons! You know I have a million more... but let's just start here for now.
Reason #1: To be sexy as fuck... naked! Do I really need to give you 49 more reasons? Feel free to stop here... or keep going if you need more motivation! ;)
Reason #2: Forever 21, baby!
Reason #3: uuuuhhh Zombies... duh?!?!? what? that's not why you workout? You gotta be prepared!
Reason #4: HELL to the YEAH!!! Ain't that one of THE BEST feelings EVER!???
Reason #5: Daily goal - Be a Badass! Now go get your WOD on already!
Reason #6: This one made me laugh. I don't hate! Nothing wrong with giving the ex what he/she deserves. LOL
Reason #7: Make that workout your warm-up! This shit is gonna get easier! I will make sure of it!
Reason #8: Oh man does it feel good to set a goal and smash it! :) Crushing goals... that's what I do!!!
Reason #9: Don't cheat!!! It does you no good!
Reason #12: Because it makes me HAPPY!!!!!!! :) :) :)
Reason #13: Best antidepressent drug out there! Now get addicted!
Reason #14: Time to clear the mind. It's good for you! Go for a run! Go sweat it out and clear your thoughts!
Reason #15: Because if you stop now, it's going to be so much harder to get started again. Keep going! You all know this is a true story!
Reason #16: Here's your chance to be a better you! Make it happen!
Reason #17: This was sent to me from my girl, Christina Soto (@musclemamasita). You gotta dig deep! Be a GOAL DIGGER, baby!!!
Reason #18: This is one of the best ones yet. Everyone from high school says this to me! Oh it feels so good! ;) LOL
Reason #19: Because some girl out there is squatting more than you! C'mon boys, you can't let that happen! ;)
Reason #20: So you just don't have to feel guilty! :)
Reason #21: You're your own Boss! Don't let yourself down! That's just silly!
Reason #22: Because you want to see results!
Reason #23: Because you ate like shit yesterday or maybe the past week or past month! Go burn that crap off NOW!!!
Reason #24: Guys, you shouldn't have bigger boobs than your girl! LOL
Reason #25: So you don't regret it 6 months from now.
Reason #26: Because even if you do a baby workout, you're still beating everyone else just sitting on the couch! Be a winner!!!
Reason #27: Don't just be a talker... Be a doer!!! Get that shit done!
Reason #28: The girl with no legs can do it... why can't you???
Reason #29: So they can all ask you how you did it!
Reason #30: You got a dream. Go after it!
Reason #31: 4% of your day... really? Really??? I don't want to hear your excuse!
Reason #32: Say no to muffin tops!
Reason #33: Summer is right around the corner! I swear when I yell out "HOT BIKINI BODY!" in class, everyone starts working harder! LOL Time to rock that bod you've worked hard for. Don't give up now!
Reason #34: So you can prove everyone wrong!
Reason #35: For the amazing side effects of a nicer butt, toned abs, strength, confidence, and a positive outlook!
Reason #36: So you don't have a flat ass! Now go do some squats! SQUATS = ASS!!!
Reason #37: Guys, it's true! Squats not only do a booty good... they also get you more dates!
Reason #38: Because I got hot friends and I need to blend in! LMAO!
Reason #39: I don't want to be SORRY tomorrow!
Reason #40: And finally, the last reason... Because Ryan Gosling says so! Whatever he says, I do! LOL
... I added that last picture of Ryan Gosling for my own amusement! hhahahahhaha He totally would be reading my blog right now! LOL
Okay, I hope you guys got some great motivation from this. Now go get your workout on and make me proud! Don't be lazy! Do some squats! Go look good... naked! Earn that Rest Day! and do what Gosling says! LOL
Feel free to comment with your favorite reason... and if you have a good one that isn't on here, I'd love to hear it!
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